“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
— Maya Angelou
Welcome dear ones, I’m so glad you’re here.
If you’re here, it’s probably because you want to know more about me. Who am I? What do I do? Why should you trust me?
It seems fitting to start with the Human Design deets! I’m a 3/5 sacral Generator (Alchemist). If that doesn’t mean a darn thing to you, that’s ok! Hopefully that’s why you’re here.
I’m a wife, mama (of 6!), & granny. I’ve held lots of “jobs” in my adult life: a baker, a real estate agent, a childcare worker, a stay at home mama, a doula, a labor and delivery nurse, a hospice nurse, a writer, a speaker, a coach, a podcaster, and NOW a Quantum Human Design Specialist™️ For 6 years I was the editor-in-chief of an online women's magazine writing and discussing women’s health, politics, mental health, body image, parenting, marriage, sex, + one time, even killer cucumbers. I am ALSO a doula and a student midwife. I like to keep things interesting.
I’m the oldest daughter of a mentally-ill alcoholic. I never had much of a mother, and then in 2020, the one I did have (in body, anyway) took her life. Her death, on the heels of her husband’s suicide two months earlier, wasn’t unexpected, but my feelings about it were.
It took me a little while to get it all figured out. But now I know, all of the struggle, all of the joy, it was all preparation.
You’re being prepared, too.
The discovery and subsequent study of, Human Design (and then the updated language of Quantum Human Design™️) freed me from my traumatic past and helped me reframe not just my pain, but my potential.
We are intentionally created to fulfill our piece of the universal puzzle.
I believe that before we come here, we sign a sort of implied contract. We agree to inhabit a body and to experience life in a particular way. I agreed with my creator to do it all, to get on the rollercoaster of life, and STAY on it. I agreed to share those experiences with those who need to know they aren’t alone.
You’re not alone. Thank you for being here.